
Value proposition

The challenge for K_RR_SK_N is to contribute to the development of a diverse, creative and sustainable socio-economic ecosystem.

To achieve this we strengthen our own, individual, abilities and work collectively to:
Activate transdisciplinary and intersectoral collaborations.

Open new markets and sources of employment in emerging sectors.
Develop beneficial dynamics for the community.

Internationally network with relevant agents.
And do so by:

Promoting the exchange and transfer of knowledge and experience, placing value on collective memory and intelligence.

Employing dialogue, transversality and hybridisation.

Researching the renewal of relational, organisational and productive systems.

Exploring and extending the boundaries of language, meanings, behaviours, forms, materials and technologies.

Daring to transgress mental rules and schemes, overcoming inertias and resistance to change, to think the unthinkable and do the unimaginable.

And savouring life. Observing time from another dimension, applying sensors to intelligence, placing the body, listening to movement, and smelling the present, past and future.



Favour experimental and emerging processes based on dialogue, transversality and hybridisation, which promote open innovation and cross-pollination.

Redefine the what by transforming the how (relational, organisational and productive methodologies and systems).

Activate small living labs in which to evaluate prototypes, based on practices related to specific realities and interest groups.

Recognition of cultural R&D as part of the Basque techno-scientific system.


Construct a collective interlocution and representation device, capable of influencing legislation, policies and plans for culture, innovation, the creative industries and the cultural economy.

Promote support models for cultural innovation and cultural impact, in other fields of public interest, based on more objective, transparent, differential and qualitative criteria.


Strengthen the connection and exchange between KARRASKAN’s organisations and other cultural and creative organisations and other sectors.

Promote relationships between public and private agents (paying special attention to projects that will mesh with collaborative and community dynamics).

Support the development of cooperation mechanisms, the creation of synergies, mutual support, knowledge exchange and transfer, both locally and internationally.


Pursue a skilled offering and demand for cultural and creative products, services and experience in the Basque Country, disseminating knowledge, use and enjoyment.

Promote the development and consolidation of the business fabric and tertiary sector in the fields of culture, innovation, the creative industries and the cultural economy.

Establish regulatory frameworks and deontological codes.

Identify and promote new professions and emerging sectors.

Promote mobility and specialisation.

Develop organisational management innovation and modernisation processes.

Design and implement indicator and assessment systems in tune with the reality and typology of sector initiatives.


Achieve greater recognition of the social value of culture, regaining its closeness to the citizenry and its perception as a fundamental right.

Seek to achieve more qualitative and diversified visibility of cultural practices in the media, in the education system and other social areas.

Work to develop new audiences and creators.

Board of directors and management

Chair: Irene Intxausti (Terklak)
Secretary: Laura Díez (Antespacio)
Treasurer: Ana Urgoiti (Bilbao Formate)
Manager: Rosa Abal